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After you workout

What you do after working out plays a very important role in how fast you see the results of your workout.

Below is a list of things to do and not do after working out.

What to do after working out  

1. Stretch: Doing static stretching after working out helps to cool your body down and gradually return you to a resting position. Static stretches can also help to increase your joint mobility and range of motion.  

2. Foam Roller: This piece of equipment is just as valuable post-workout as they are pre-workout. Using foam rollers will help with workout recovery, may increase range of motion and can also minimize post-workout soreness.

3.Hydrate: It is almost impossible to not break a sweat while working out, especially if it is a high intensity workout. This result in loss of water from the body and thus rehydration is very important. Rehydrating helps to restore your fluid levels, prevents muscle soreness, and build strength. However, avoid overly caffeinated and sugary drinks. Water and other healthy drinks are sufficient for rehydration. 

4. Refuel: After working out your body requires adequate proteins and carbohydrates  to help rebuild muscles and replenish your glycogen stores. Experts have advised eating within the first 45 minutes after working out while your body metabolism is still very high.

Eating well after working out gives your body the energy it needs to fully recover. 

5. Shower: Take a very nice cool shower, not only does this help to wash away the sweat it also helps you to feel relaxed and help to increase the perception of recovery which aids overall recovery. 

While you do not have to shower with ice cold water, reducing the temperature of the water you shower with will help to return your body temperature back to normal. 

6. Change Clothes: In events where you cannot access a shower immediately after working out, have another set of clothing with you to change into. You do not want to be walking around in sweat soaked workout clothes, as this can cause various skin conditions such as itching to more serious ones like acne. 

7. Track: Keeping track of the type of workout you did and how many reps you did will help in guiding you so as to know when to increase and when to decrease. It can also show you what workouts are working, the one that you should cut out of your routine and how far you've come to keep you motivated (because we all need some motivation every now and then). 

What you should not do after working out 

Skip Stretching: If the muscles targeted during a workout are not properly stretched after working out it can result in them been sore and you really do not want to have to deal with sore muscles. 

Food time: The body always has an increased need for nutrients after working out and so delaying eating can lead you feeling dizzy and not utilizing the high metabolism state of your body. 

Too much fats: While eating after working out is very important, it is also equally important to not consume excess fat as this can undo most of the work you just concluded and can lead you seeing results slowly or even not seeing any results at all. 

Skip Sleep: Ideally, you need an hours nap after working out but this is not always achievable as people workout at various times during in their schedule. However avoid doing strenuous work immediately after a workout, try sitting, relaxing so you can consume your food comfortably. 

Most workout effect only become effective after the body has enough rest to let rebuilding take place. 


At the end of the day, what you choose to do after working out is up to you and your fitness goals. Whatever you do, make sure it is healthy and moves you towards your goals positively. 

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