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Burpee is a type of calisthenic exercise. It is a challenging exercise that works most of the major muscle groups in the body. It is a two-part exercise, made up of a push up and a jump in the air.

Types of Burpees

Burpees can be made either more or less challenging.

The less challenging variations are: 

No Jump Burpee: As the name implies, this type of burpee is done without jumping in the air after the pushup. It is recommended for those with weak knees and people that are new to this exercise.

No Pushup Burpee: During this type of variation, holding a plank position for few seconds or doing a partial push-up  is done in place of a full push-up. It is recommended for people that do not have very strong shoulder or chest muscle. 

Modified Burpee: This variation of burpee is done without a jump in the air and a pushup. It involves doing a squat, kicking the legs back and returning to squat position. This is the most recommended for those entirely new to burpees. 

The more challenging variations are

Burpee box jump: This variation of burpee is done with the help of a box, bench or other solid object. When performing this burpee the hand is placed on the box before doing the pushup and the jump in the air is done on the box instead. 

Bosu ball Burpee: This variation of burpee is done with a bosu ball. The flat face of the bosu ball should face up. When performing the burpee, hole the bosu ball as you squat, lower your hands to the floor holding the bosu ball and perform the push up with your palm flat against the bosu ball flat surface. Hold the bosu ball on the outer edges and lift above your head as you return to standing position. 

Dumbbell Burpee: While performing this burpee variation, you hold a dumbbell in both hands. Instead of jumping in the air after the push up, raise the dumbbells above your head. People with great resistance and control can also jump while they raise the dumbbells. 

Travelling Burpee: While performing this burpee variation, the jump in the air is replaced by a forward jump (Enough room should be made in front of you). 

Lateral Jump Burpee: While performing this burpee variation, instead of jumping straight up, jump as far as possible to the side. 

Burpee Jack: This type of burpee adds a jumping jack to the routine. While performing this variation, the legs are kicked to the side (outward) when in plank position and you clap your hands over your head while jumping in the air. 

One-Legged Burpee: This type of burpee is performed with just one leg the other leg is raised up in the air. The position of the legs should be switched after 5-8 reps. 

Mountain Climber Burpee: This type of burpee adds a mountain climber to the routine. While in plank position, bring up the left knee to left elbow and then do the same with the right knee and elbow. 

Tuck Jump Burpee: This burpee is done with the legs pulled into the chest as you jump in the air.

Clap Pushup Burpee: While performing this burpee, a clap push-up is used to replace normal pushup. 

Burpee Pull-Up: A pull up bar is needed during this variation. A pull up is added to this burpee routine while jumping at the end. 

Burpee Back Tuck: This is one of the most challenging variations. While performing this type of burpee a backflip is added at the end of the jump. 

Special Burpees: This is known as the most challenging type of burpee. This variation is not to be performed by just anyone. It is a routine meant for special kind of athletes. While performing this type of burpee, the pushup is replaced by a flying press-up and alternating forward lunges are performed after jumping in the air. 

Muscle activated during burpees

The muscles worked in a standard basic burpee are: 

Glutes (Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medius, Gluteus Minimus)

Quadriceps (Rectus Femoris, Vastus Lateralis, Vastus Intermedius, Vastus Medialis).

Hamstrings (Bicep Femoris, Semi-Tendonosus, Semi-Membranosus). 

Core (Transversus Abdominis, Multifidus, Internal Obliques, External Obliques, Rectus Abdominis, Erector Spinae (Sacrospinalis), Longissimus Thoracis, Diaphragm, Latissimus Dorsi, Trapezius). 

Abdominals: They are also a part of the core muscles         (Transverse Abdominis, Rectus Abdominis, Internal Obliques, External Obliques). 

Calves (Gastrocnemius, and Soleus). 

Chest (Pectoralis major, Pectoralis Minor, Serratus anterior and Subclavius). 

Upper Arm (Tricep Brachii, Bicep Brachii). 


Ankle Plantar and Dorsi Flexors 

Muscles activated during various types

Although, in one way or another all the muscles listed above are activated during burpee, below is a list of the main muscles worked in the various variations of burpees. 

No Jump Burpee: The main muscles activated are Pectoralis major, Tricep Brachii, Bicep Brachii, Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes, Calves, Core and Abdominalis.

No Pushup Burpee: The main muscles activated are Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes, Core, Abdominals, Tricep, Bicep.

Modified Burpee: Glutes, Hamstrings, Quadriceps, Abdominals, Calves.

Burpee box jump: Calves, Quadriceps, Glutes, Hamstrings, and the ankle plantar and dorsi flexors. 

Bosu ball Burpee: Tricep Brachii, Bicep Brachii, Deltoid, Chest muscles, Glutes, Quadriceps. 

Dumbbell Burpee: Tricep Brachii, Bicep Brachii, Chest muscles, Deltoid, Calves. 

Travelling Burpee:Quadriceps, Glute, Hamstrings, Calves.  

Lateral Jump Burpee: Quadriceps, Calves, Hamstrings, Glutes, Core. 

Burpee Jack: Quadriceps, Chest muscles, Calves, Hamstrings, Deltoid. 

One-Legged Burpee: Quadriceps, Core, Abdominals, Glutes, Hamstrings. 

Mountain Climber Burpee: Quadriceps, Calves, Hamstrings, Glutes, Core.

Tuck Jump Burpee: Quadriceps, Calves, Core, Chest muscles. 

Clap Pushup Burpee: Tricep, Biceps, Chest muscles, Core, Deltoid.  

Burpee Pull-Up: Deltoid, Tricep, Biceps, Chest muscles, Abdominals, Core. 

Burpee Back Tuck: Quadriceps, Calves, Glutes, Chest muscles, Core, Abdominals. 

Special Burpees: Tricep, Quadriceps, Calves, Core, Abdominals, Glutes. 

How to perform Burpees

These are the steps to perform a basic burpee:

Step 1: Stand straight with your feet shoulder width apart.

Step 2: Lower your body to squat position and then lower your hands to the floor in front of you. Your hands should be just inside your feet. 

Step 3: Adjust your weight to your hands, and kick your feet back, so that your body is now in plank position. 

Step 4: While still in plank position, do one push up while making sure your body remains straight.

Step 5: Do a frog kick and a jump to get your feet back to starting position, then stand and lift your arms over your head. 

Step 6: Do another jump in the air to return to standing position.

Step 7: After the jump, Perform another squat and do another rep.  

Benefit of burpees

It doesn't need any special equipments: To do a basic burpee all you need is enough space for your body. You do not even need a mat (Crazy right!). Well that is how convenient burpees are.

It helps build overall endurance: The higher endurance you have the more challenges you will be able to overcome.  

It offers a full-body workout: Burpees helps to build muscle strength and endurance in both the upper and lower body.

It boosts cardio fitness and burns fat: Burpees can also be a part of a high-intensity interval fitness (HIIT) routine which helps boost cardio fitness and effectively burns fat.

It helps burn fat around the abdomen and stomach area. 

It helps strengthen the heart and lungs 

It improves blood flow

It improves cholesterol levels

It helps to burn more calories

It lowers the risk of heart disease, diabetes and also lowers blood pressure

It helps improve the functioning of the brain 

Consequences of wrong posture 

When burpees are done in the wrong posture in can result in various injuries such as 

Shoulder Dislocation: Doing the push-up in the wrong posture can result in various shoulder injuries ranging from shoulder pain, swollen shoulder to the shoulder being dislocated. 

Back Injuries

Muscle Strain: Muscles in the elbow, knee and ankle can be strained if burpees are not done properly. 

If done at an intensity higher than a person's endurance level it can result in 

Loss of breathe



In a nutshell, burpees are a must add to your exercise routine, if you want to increase your strength, build muscle and improve your cardio. 

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