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Benefits of doing Butt Kicks


It is a bodyweight exercise that is also a type of plyometric or jump training exercise. Plyometrics are aerobic exercises that work the cardiovascular system and boost muscle strength and endurance.

Types of Workout

Standard Butt Kicks: It is the basic and general form of butt kicks, that involves lifting the heels to the buttocks. 

Butt Kicks with Arm Pump: This variation is very similar to the standard butt kick, the only addition is a simple arm pump. In this variation, if your are lifting you left heel then you pump your right arm forward to a 90-degree angle. 

Moving Butt Kicks: It is an intermediate/ advanced level of butt kicks. For this variation you bring your knees up in front of you, kick your buttock with your heels and move forward as you switch the legs. 

Muscles Worked During Butt Kicks 

Glutes (Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medius, Gluteus Minimus). 

Hamstrings (Bicep Femoris, Semi-Membranosus, Semi-Tendonosus). 

Quadriceps (Rectus Femoris, Vastus Lateralis, Vastus Medialis, Vastus Intermedius). 

Calves (Gastrocnemius, Soleus) 

Muscle Worked During Various Variations 

Butt kick with arm pumps: In addition to the glutes, hamstrings and quads it also  works the arm, core and chest muscles. 

Moving Butt Kicks: This variation work more muscles in the leg such as calves, plantar and dorsi flexors. It also works the core. 

How to do a Butt Kick

Step 1: Stand straight on a flat surface, with your feet hip-width apart. 

Step 2: Bring your left heel to your buttocks slowly, by contracting your hamstrings. 

Step 3: Place the ball of your left foot back on the ground, and bring your right heel to your buttock slowly. 

Step 4: Keep alternating your heel and gradually build speed, until it feels like you are jogging in place. 

Step 5: Keep doing this for 30 seconds. You can increase the duration as you build your fitness. 

Benefits of Butt Kicks
No equipment: To do this workout, you do not need any piece of equipment not even a mat. It can also be done at any stage of your workout.  

No Location: It is an exercise that you can do anywhere, and it does not require too much space. 

Hamstring Contractions: If you are a runner then you know you need fast hamstring contractions to run faster. Butt kicks are one of the few workouts that can help to increase the speed of your hamstring contractions. 

Prevent Injury: When done as a part of your warm-up routine, it can help to get you in shape for your workout and therefore reduce the risk of you getting injured. 

Strong Legs: It helps to strengthen the legs and make daily movements like walking and standing easy. 

Common Injuries from wrong posture 

Although this workout is targeted at the legs, it is important to keep a proper form all through your body. 

Wrong posture includes: Not engaging the core and bending your spine. 

Back ache: If your spine is not kept in a neutral position, it can result in you having back aches. 

Ankle Sprain: It is important to land on the balls of your feet and not the heels. Landing on the heels puts more pressure on the ankle which can result in a strain. 

Hip Ache: When doing the butt kick it is better to start slowly and then pick up the pace gradually to prevent straining the hips. 

Butt kick is a workout that you can to your warm-up and leg day routine. One thing to ensure when doing this workout is that  your legs are covered, to prevent getting injured. 

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