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 A crunch is a bodyweight core exercise, that specifically targets the abdominal muscles. It is a workout that can be used as apart of a core workout routine or a full body routine.  

Types of Crunches

Standard Crunch: This is first type of crunch and most suitable for beginners. Other types of crunches are built based on the standard crunch. 

Bicycle Crunch: It is an intermediate version of the standard crunch. This type of crunch helps to work the Abs and Obliques It is done by placing your knees at 90 degrees, and then move your right knee and left elbow towards each other while straightening your left leg and vice versa. 

Vertical Leg Crunch: This is another intermediate version of the standard crunch. It helps to work the lower back extensors along with the abdominals. For this type of crunch you lift your legs straight and pointed upwards while laying on your back and then crunch your upper body. 

Long Arm Crunch/Abdominal Crunch: You should only do this variation when you have fully mastered the basic form. When doing this type of crunch, straighten your hands towards the sky with your knees bent and then crunch. 

Try not to raise your body with your shoulder or neck. 

Reverse Crunch: This type of crunch engages the muscles in the leg. To do this variation, raise your legs so your knees are directly above your hips (90 degrees angle to the floor). Afterwards, contract your abs and crunch your upper body while raising your knees towards your chest. 

Crossover Crunch: It is a beginner friendly variant of crunch that works more than just the abdominals. In this variant, you place your arms behind your head and place your left ankle over your right knee.

Crunch your upper body and twist your torso to your left, to touch your left knee with your right elbow while contracting your abs. 

Return to standard crunch position, and repeat before switching to the other side (Right ankle above left knee). 

X-Man Crunch: It is an advanced version of the standard crunch. When doing this variant, you lie straight with your arms and legs spread apart so your body looks like the letter X. Raise your legs and arms off the floor simultaneously, crunch your upper body and then squeeze your arms and knees towards your abdominals.

Try to keep your arms and leg above the floor throughout the workout. 


Muscles Worked by Crunches

Abdominals (Rectus Abdominis, Transverse Abdominis).

Obliques (External Obliques, Internal Obliques). 


Muscles Worked by Various types of crunches 

Below is a list of the specific muscles worked by the various types of crunches. 

Bicycle Crunch: Apart from the Abs, it helps to work the Obliques, Hamstrings and Quadriceps. 

Vertical Leg Crunch: This variation of crunch helps to work the latissimus dorsi, Glutes and Obliques.  

Long Arm Crunch/Abdominal Crunch: It helps to work the Shoulder, Abdominals and Obliques. 

Reverse Crunch: In addition to the abdominals, it helps to work the Quadriceps and Hamstrings. 

Crossover Crunch: This type of crunch helps to work the Obliques, Hamstrings and also the Glutes (minimal impact on the glutes). 

X-Man Crunch: It works the Latissimus dorsi, Hamstrings, Glutes and Quadriceps. 


How to perform a Crunch 

Below are the steps on how to do a standard crunch 

Step 1: Lie on your back on the floor or on a yoga mat, it depends on you.

Step 2: Bend your knees with your feet on the floor hip- width apart. 

Step 3: Cross your arms across your chest or place them behind your head. 

Step 4: Contact your abs and inhale. Exhale while lifting your upper body.

Tip: Keep your head, neck relaxed and your abs contracted. 

Step 5: Inhale and return back to starting position. Do as much as you can, 15-20 reps is a good number. 

Tips:  Raise your body with your core and not your head or neck. 

Move slowly and in a controlled matter. If the movement is too fast it might not engage the right muscles.

Avoid Crunching too high, you only need to raise your shoulder blades a few inches off the floor.  


Benefit of Crunches 

Abs: If you want six-packs then this is the workout for you. They help to exclusively work the abs. Crunches also helps to strengthen the abs.

No Equipment: The crunch is a body weight exercise which means you do not need a single piece of equipment. 

No Location: Other than not needing any equipment you also do not need to be in the gym or have a lot of space to do a crunch. All you need is enough space for you to lie down and you are good to go. 

Core Strength: Crunches can be  part of a core strength workout as they help to strengthen the abs which is a part of the core muscles. 

Body Stability: Stronger core means more stable body. By strengthening the core crunches helps to increase the stability of the body. 

It also gives other health benefits such as, 

Increase in concentration

Reduce stress levels 

Better circulation in the body

Increase in energy levels and metabolism. 


Consequences for wrong Posture

Doing crunches in the wrong posture can pose damages such as

Back Injuries: Generally, crunches place stress on your back. However this can be aggravated more by lifting your body wrongly or not laying down properly. 

Neck Injuries: When doing crunches, you risk placing too much strain on your neck which can lead to aches in that area. 

Cons of Crunches

Safety: It may not be safe for older adults and those that have previously had a neck or back injury. 

Crunches are one of the exercises that needs extra attention when performing as they have the tendency to place excess stress on the back, neck and are not for everyone. When doing crunches, pay attention to your body if you find that you are experiencing lots of discomfort, switch to other exercises that help to work your abdominal muscles such as Sit-up, mountain climbers and many others. 

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