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Just Before You Workout

The main results of fitness comes from what you do before and after working out.

In this post we will be discussing what to do and what not to do before working out.

What to do before working out

Plan: It is very crucial to decide what type of workout you want to do and when you want to do it before starting your fitness journey. As this helps you monitor your progress and stay on track. You can plan by looking at the benefits of various types of workouts such as cardio, HIIT and the time such as morning or afternoon and evening and then deciding which one works best for your fitness goals. 

Once you are done deciding on when you want to workout and what type of workout routine you want to do, the next important things are:   

1. Quality Sleep: The importance of having a quality night rest can not be stressed enough.  When you sleep well you will have enough energy to face the rigour of your routine squarely and it also help to keep your hunger hormones in check to prevent overeating which could make all the whole workout routine futile.

Seven to Eight hours sleep daily will help maximize your workout potential. 

2. Get Hydrated: Having enough water in your system is very necessary for your overall health. However, it also plays significant role in how effective your routine is. When working out you sweat which leads to loss of water and so you have to be well hydrated to maintain proper balance in your body. 

Drinking water also helps to maintain your energy levels. To enable you workout without quickly tiring out. 

 3. Snack: Snacking before working out is optional. If you feel your energy level is low then eating a light snack to boost it before working out is alright, otherwise you can do without snacking. The most important thing is to keep it light, so you do not feel full when working out. 

4. Right Dressing: What you wear depends on the type of workout you want to engage. The type of shoes, leggings and shorts, vests and sports bras you  wear for a cardio workout is not necessarily the same with what you will wear when doing yoga. Always make sure to align the type of workout you do with what you wear. 

5.Ease into it with a dynamic warm up: No matter the duration of your workout, warming up is very important. As it helps you gradually ease into workout mode by raising your body temperature, energy levels and range of motion. It can also help to decrease the possibility of getting injured compared to when you jump right into a routine. 

6. Meals: If you workout in the afternoon or evening, then eating a meal 1-2 hours before working out is a good choice as it helps to fuel your body and give you the energy required for your workouts.

The main purpose of eating it earlier is so you do not feel full while working out. 

7. Foam roller: That foam roller that you have lying in the corner of your room, is actually important even before you start your workout routine. Using it before you start working out helps you to awaken your body and prepare it for the workout of the day. 

If you do not have a foam roller do not worry, you can also stretch to wake your body. 


What to not do before working out 

Before you workout:

Don't Eat heavy food: Eating heavy can lead to you feeling nauseous while working out and having cramps, acid  reflux and decreased workout performance.  

Don't workout when hungry: Your body should have at least 20-30 grams of carbohydrates before working out to sustain your blood sugar levels. If you workout in the morning ensure you have a balanced diet before going to sleep, and eat enough carbs and protein after working out. 

Don't do Static Stretching: Static stretching which is the opposite of dynamic stretching  can lead to decrease in workout performance and should be save for post-workout. Do dynamic stretching instead. 

Don't drink alcohol: Alcohol should be absolutely off-limits before you workout. It affects your coordination and motor skills and this can put you at risk for injury.   

Overall, the most important thing is consistency as this will ensure you get the maximum health benefits of working out and ensure you get the results that you are after. 

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