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Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers offers a way to climb mountains without actually climbing mountains. It is a body weight exercise that works various  muscles of the body. It is done by alternating bringing the knees to the chest.

Types of Mountain Climbers 

Low-Impact Mountain Climbers:This variation is designed for those who are just getting started with working out after an injury or those with low upper body strength.  To do this variation, place your hands on a step or block so your upper body is elevated and then perform the workout.   

Foot-Switch Mountain Climbers: Just like the name suggest it involves switching the foot. The alternation of the foot is done faster than a regular mountain climber. Instead of returning to plank position as you alternate your legs you switch the legs mid air. While pulling your leg up to your chest, touch your big toe to the floor. 

Sliding Mountain Climbers: Gliding discs are used to spice up to basic position in this variation. Place a gliding disc under your legs while alternating your legs.

Standing Mountain Climbers: If you like to incorporate cardio into your workouts, this is the variation for you. While standing bring your knee up to hip level then go into plank position after which you perform the basic variation with the same knee and then stand back up. You can choose to have a mini jog or jumping jack before switching to the other leg. 

Cross-body Mountain Climber: Put your body in plank position and then bring your right knee towards your left shoulder, return your right knee and alternate with your left knee towards your right shoulder. 

Bosu Mountain Climbers: A bosu ball is used in this variation. Put the ball with the curved surface facing the ground, Place your hands on the flat surface and perform a basic mountain climber.

Stability Ball Mountain Climber: With you hands holding a stability ball at the sides ( The ball should be around 18 to 24 inches),then perform the mountain climbers.   

Muscles Activated During Mountain Climbers

Upper Arm (Deltoid, Tricep Brachii, Bicep Brachii, Coracobrachialis, Teres Minor)

Shoulder/ Rotator Cuff Muscles  (Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres minor, Subscapularis) 

ForeArm (Brachioradialis, Brachialis, Anconeus, Pronator Teres & Quadratus, Supinator). 

Quadriceps ( Rectus Femoris, Vastus Lateralis, Vastus Intermedius, Vastus Medialis). 

Core (Latissimus Dorsi, Rectus Abdominis, Transversus abdominis, External oblique, Internal oblique).

Hamstrings (Semi-tendonosus, Semi-membranosus, Bicep Femoris).  

Ankle Flexors

Muscles Activated During Various Type of Mountain Climbers

Although all the muscles listed above contribute to every variation of mountain climbers in one way or another.

However for the benefit of those that intend on targeting specific muscles groups, below is a list of the various variants and the main muscle groups they help to work.  

Low- Impact Mountain Climbers: The main muscles used here are the shoulder muscles and quadriceps.

Foot-Switch Mountain Climbers: The main muscles worked in this variation are; Shoulder, Core, Quadriceps and Calves.  

Sliding Mountain Climbers: Doing this variation requires more efforts from the quadriceps, Glutes and Core muscles.  

Standing Mountain Climbers: This various engages your Hamstrings, Core, Quadriceps and Shoulder muscles.

Cross-body Mountain Climber: It engages  mainly Shoulder muscles, Quadriceps, and Hamstrings. 

Bosu Mountain Climber:  The main muscles used are the Quadriceps, Glutes, Shoulder and Core muscles. 

Stability Ball Mountain Climber: It engages mainly the muscles in the Shoulder, Core, and Glutes. 

How to Perform Mountain Climbers

These are the steps to follow when doing a basic mountain climber

Step 1: Get into straight plank position (check out how to do a plank here). Make sure your weight are shared evenly between your toes and your hands.

Step 2: Adjust your posture to ensure that your hands are around shoulder width apart and your body is in a straight line.  

Step 3: Bring your right knee up to your chest as far as you can.

Step 4: Return your right knee back while pulling up your left knee to your chest. 

Step 5: With your hips still down and your body still in straight line, repeat the exercise while increasing your pace as you get more  comfortable. 

Inhale and exhale as you alternate your legs. As you return each leg back to plank position, ensure your toes touch the ground. 

Benefits of Mountain Climbers 

It helps improve the cardiovascular health: Mountain climbers helps to increase the body's heart rate which helps to improve the body's overall cardiovascular health. 

It can help build cardio endurance: In addition to improving the cardiovascular health, mountain climbers also help to improve people's cardio endurance this enables you to do exercises such as running, jumping for even longer times.

It helps to increase core endurance: Mountain climbers requires huge effort from the core muscles to keep you stable and this can help in building your core muscle endurance. 

It helps to burn calories: Doing mountain climber is an effective way of burning calories especially when it is done in a fast pace. 

It can increase mobility: Mountain climber is a dynamic exercise as it includes constant and repetitive movements. Constant movement of the muscles of the body helps to increase the joints flexibility which in turn increase the mobility of the joints and can help reduce the vulnerability of the joints to injury.  

It improves coordination and agility: This exercise requires the body to constantly be in a  straight line and quick movement of the legs throughout the routine and thus helps to improve the coordination and agility of the body. 

Weight management: Exercising constantly can help in maintaining body weight, and also in achieving weight goals. 

It can reduce blood pressure 

It may reduce the amount of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. 

It can help in increasing the amount of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol.

It can help to increase insulin sensitivity 

Consequences of Wrong Posture

Just like almost every type of exercise, if mountain climbers are done in the wrong posture it can result in various body injuries and aches. 

Hip Strain: Proper positioning of the hip is very important throughout this exercise. If the hip is allowed to drop or held too high it can result in straining the hip.  

Back Ache: Mountain climbers are great for preventing back pains, however the back is not in a straight line with the body it can also results in back aches. 

Shoulder Ache: If the shoulder are held too far  from the body it can lead to excess strain on the muscles of the shoulder. 

Ankle Pain: Some people tend to bounce on their toes while performing this exercise and this can result in excess strain on the ankle and less engagement of the core muscles.  

Wrist pain: When the body weight is not evenly distributed between the upper and lower body it can result in excessive straining of the wrist muscles and can even result in dislocation.  

While mountain climbers are a great addition to your workout routine and can help in maintaining a healthy body, it is very important to get the posture right. It is best to start with the basic position and at a slow pace to prevent injuries and get the full benefit from the exercise. 

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