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How to do the Superman Workout


It is a low impact workout that is beginner friendly and helps to work the glutes, hamstrings, lower back and abdominals. In this post we are going to discuss the various types, the benefits and how to properly do it. 

Types of Workout 

Standard Superman: This is the basic form of the workout and is for all fitness levels. It doesn't require any equipment other than a mat or carpet to protect the anterior part of your body.  

Easy Superman: It is an easier variation of superman, for those that are not able to lift up their chest due to injury reasons. In this variation, you only lift of your hands and legs above the floor. 

Resistance band Superman: In this variation, you put resistance bands around your wrist and knees/ ankles. When starting, it is better to use only one resistance band on either your wrist or ankle before using two simultaneously. 

Superman Ball: For this variation, you need a yoga stability ball. Hold the ball with your arms and then lift your upper body and legs off the floor. 

Muscles activated during Superman 

Erector Spinae ( Spinalis, Longissimus and Iliocostalis)

Abdominals (Rectus abdominis, Transvers abdominis, Internal and External obliques). 

Glutes (Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Minimus, Gluteus Medius). 

Hamstrings (Biceps Femoris, Semi-membranosus, Semi-tendonosus). 

Shoulder (Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor,  Subscapularis, Deltoid, Pectoralis Major). 

Upper Back (Trapezius, Latissimus Dorsi, Rhomboids). 

Muscles Activated During Various Variations

Easy Superman: The muscles it works are the hamstrings, rotator cuff and glutes. 

Resistance band Superman: It mainly works the shoulder, glutes and abdominal muscles. 

Superman Ball: It helps to work the muscles in the shoulder, arms and glutes.

How to do the Superman Workout 

You are properly wondering, what is the proper way to do the superman workout. Here are steps to follow to; 

Step 1: Lie on your stomach, stretch out your hands in front of you and lengthen your legs. Keep your head in a neutral position, avoid looking up.

Step 2: Tighten your core and glutes. Using your core strength, lift off your legs and upper body off the floor.

Step 3: Hold the position for 1-2 seconds and then lower your legs and and  upper body back to the mat. 

Step 4: Repeat 15-20 times for one set. 

Benefits of the Superman Workout 

No Equipment: It is a very easy workout and requires no equipment, other than a yoga mat for more comfort.

Body Posture: The posterior muscles of the body that are responsible for maintaining good body posture are strengthen by regularly doing the superman workout. This helps to prevent postural deviations.

Spinal Support: It helps to strengthen the muscles that provide support to the spine such as the erector spinae muscles. 

Injury Prevention: It strengthen the core, which result in reduced strain on the lower back. This helps to prevent injury or pain in the lower back. 

Strong Legs and glutes: It helps to strengthen the glutes and hamstrings, which are important muscles of the legs that help with daily activities such as walking, jogging and running. 

Strong core: In addition to strengthening the lower back, it also helps to strengthen the over core and develop the abs. 

Common Injuries 

It is a very low-impact workout with almost no injury risk. Some injuries that can happen as a result of bad postures are: 

Neck Ache: If the head is not kept in a neutral position, it can result in aches in the neck.

Rapid Pace: This workout is a deliberate and slow workout, when done too quickly it can result in ache in your hips, shoulder and lower back. 

Pain in the Ankle: If the toes are pointed during this workout, it can put excessive strain on the ankles. 

Lower back strain: When the arms and legs are over extended it can put too much strain on the lower back. It is best to add a slight bend in the elbow and knees as you lift and lower. 

Superman is a great addition to your workout routine if you are looking to improve the posterior part of your body. Remember to breathe, start slowly and properly master the form before doing the advanced types. All the best with your workout. 

Follow us on Instagram @goldfitness_store for more fitness tips. 
