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Starting the day

The best way to have a productive and happy day is to start the day the right way. After researching lots of formulas, we present to you seven things to do to have an effective day. The formula is STRAVES.

S- Silence 

Stay in bed: Right know you are probably saying how is that supposed to help me. Staying in bed for just some couple of minutes after you wake up is very helpful as it helps your body slowly adjust to the reality of having to get out of the bed and makes your morning easier. If you don't feel comfortable just lying down you can say a little prayer before getting out of bed. 

Meditate: Meditating first thing in the morning helps you begin the day on a more centered, positive tone. Meditation offers more amazing benefits, to know more about meditation and how to meditate check the post on meditation.

T- Teeth 

Brush your teeth: Brushing first thing in the morning helps to remove the plaque that has built up during the night and removes the bacteria present in the mouth. It also protects the tooth enamel. 

R- Read 

Book: Reading just 10 pages of a book in the morning can go a long way in setting the tone of the day. It also helps with the mindset you have throughout the day. You can choose to read books on financial education, self education and others.

A- Affirmations 

Speak to yourself: Saying positive words to yourself at the start of the day helps set the tone for the day and gets you motivated. Statements that describes your goals in a completed state also helps you feel confident in achieving the goals. 

V- Visualize

Imagine: The ability to imagine is one of the most powerful tool we have as humans. You can back up your affirmations by seeing yourself achieving the goals you set for the day and even for the future. This helps you feel closer to achieving the goals and gets you charged up and excited to face whatever challenge the day brings and set your day on a positive tone. 

E- Exercise 

Workout: Working out at any time during the day brings you the tremendous benefit of healthy body and mind. However, working out early in the morning, helps improve your self control and energy levels all through the day. With a workout for as short as 10 minutes GABA ( a neurotransmitter) is released and this makes the brain feel soothed and helps you stay in control of your impulses. 

S- Script 

Journal: Simply reflecting on the event of the past day or writing down your plans for the day goes a long in helping you clear your head before fully starting your day. It also makes you feel more in control of how your days goes and helps you allocate time to various tasks based on your goals and makes you more accountable for how you spend your day.

This are our top seven things to do to begin your day. The order you choose to do them is fully up to you. 

Bonus tips

In addition to the top 7 things to do here are some amazing tips to help you spice up your day. 

Open your blinds: Sunlight is known as the best way to naturally wake the body. It helps the body transition from the night-to-morning easier and more comfortable. You don't have to fully open the blinds just a little is enough to get the sun rays in and this will make waking up to the alarm more bearable.

Stretch: This is a very obvious way to have a productive day but very surprisingly, most people ignore it. After the body has been dormant for hours, it is not realistic to expect it to get warmed up immediately you wake up. Stretching your legs and hands while in bed or while standing even for a short while will go a long way.  

Lemon Water: Lemons contains loads of nutrients such as potassium, Vitamin C, and antioxidants which provides the body with lots of health benefits. Drinking water mixed with lemons early in the day increases your energy levels both mentally and physically. It also help to stay energized all day by improving nutrient absorption in the stomach. 

It works best if drank on an empty stomach, food should also not be eaten until after 15-30 minutes perfect time for a short cardio workout.

No Screen: Avoid engaging with you phone till you are done with your breakfast. Nowadays, this seems almost impossible as most workout routine is now done online with the help of mobile devices. However, try to limit your screen exposure till after breakfast.

Breakfast: The type of breakfast you take goes a long way in setting the tone of the day. In addition to that eating healthy breakfast reduces the likelihood of obesity, it gives energy, improves memory and helps increase concentration. 

Hobby: Creating time in the morning to do something you love helps to improve your mood. Set time apart to learn about things that interests you. 

Podcast: Similar to reading a lovely book, listening to motivating and enlightening podcast is another great way to have a productive day. Listening to one each day while getting dressed or during commute will be very beneficial.

Lastly, do not forget to set goals for the day as this keeps you focused and in tune throughout the day. Mornings are one of the most important part of the day as they set the tone for the entire day, Find your own best tips and stick to them, it could be all and it could be just three things. Whatever you choose to do make sure you are consistent!

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