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5 Benefits of Frog Press Exercise

Frog press is a low-impact and beginner friendly workout, that helps to work the legs and lower abdominals. It can be used as a part of a core or leg routine and in strength training. 

Types of Workout 

Standard Frog Press: This is the basic form of frog press and is beginner friendly. It requires no equipment other than a yoga mat to lay on. 

Crunch Frog press: This form should only be done by someone that is good at crunches or with the guidance of a trainer. It involves crunching your shoulder while stretching the legs forward and backwards. 

Dynamic crunch frog press: It is an intermediate form of this workout, that requires a degree of core strength to maintain balance and prevent sore muscles. It is done by crunching up while stretching the legs forward and then returning down while pulling the knees towards the upper body. 

V crunch frog press: It can be done either on a bench or on a mat. It is an advanced form and should only be done after properly mastering the other forms of this workout. To do this form get into v-crunch position, and then stretch the leg forward and backward while maintaining the v-crunch position. You can place your hands by your sides to support you while you get used to the form. 

Muscles Activated During Frog Press

Abdominals ( Rectus Abdominis, Transverse Abdominis). 

Quadriceps (Rectus Femoris, Vastus Lateralis, Vastus Medialis, Vastus Intermedius). 

Hamstrings (Bicep Femoris, Semi-tendonosus, Semi-membranosus). 

Obliques (External oblique, Internal oblique). 

Spinal Erectors (Spinalis, Longissimus, and iliocostalis). 

Muscles Activated During Various Forms of Frog Press

Crunch Frog Press: It helps to work the quadriceps, abdominals and shoulder muscles.  

Dynamic Crunch Frog Press: It works the core, spinal erectors and hamstrings. 

V-Crunch Frog Press: It works the muscles in the back, obliques and hip flexors. 


Steps on How to do Frog Press 

Below is how to do one frog press rep: 

Step 1: Lie down on the mat and place your arms by your sides. 

Step 2: Bring your knees to a 90 degree angle and keep your feet together. 

Step 3: Engage your core and use your core strength to pull your knees towards your chest. 

Step 4: Push your legs back and try to straighten your knees. 

Step 5: Pull your knees back towards your chest. 

Continue, pushing and pulling your knees in and out. Do 15 reps to complete one set. 


Benefits of Frog Press 

Core Strength: When frog press is done regularly, it can help to improve core strength by aiding the growth of the core muscles. 

Leg Strength: It can help to strengthen the legs and thus make daily movements easier and also limit risk of leg injuries. 

Body Posture: Frog press helps to improve the overall posture of the body by improving the strength of the core, spinal erectors and legs.

Tone Muscles: If you are working out to tone your muscles, then this workout is definitely for you. It helps to tone your core and leg muscles. When done regularly, it can help to make your abdominal muscles visible. 

Body Coordination: Some advanced type of frog press such as dynamic crunch frog press, requires coordinating the body to rise and lower in a specific order which helps to improve the body's coordination. Other types of frog press, also helps to improve the ability to coordinate the body. 


Common Injuries

Neck Ache: When doing the forms that involves doing a crunch, it is very easy to sore the muscles in your neck if your head is not properly seated on your shoulder. 

Lower back pain: It is important to keep the lower back connected to the mat the entire time while doing this workout (v-crunch frog press is the only exception). If the lower back is arched it can lead to pain and postural problems.  

Frog press is a great addition to your workout if you are looking to increase your core strength, tone your abs and legs without doing high intensity exercises. However, it should be done carefully to avoid injuries.

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